Installation Instructions Section 22-4 Part Number 000001130 12/08Electrical ServiceGENERALVOLTAGEThe maximum allowable voltage variation is ± 10% ofthe rated voltage on the ice machine model/serialnumber plate at start-up (when the electrical load ishighest).The 115/1/60 ice machines are factory pre-wired with a8’ power cord, and NEMA 5-15P-plug configuration.The 208-230/1/60 and 230/50/1 ice machines arefactory pre-wired with a 8’ power cord only, no plug issupplied.FUSE/CIRCUIT BREAKERA separate fuse/circuit breaker must be provided foreach ice machine. Circuit breakers must be H.A.C.R.rated (does not apply in Canada).TOTAL CIRCUIT AMPACITYThe total circuit ampacity is used to help select the wiresize of the electrical supply.The wire size (or gauge) is also dependent uponlocation, materials used, length of run, etc., so it must bedetermined by a qualified electrician.GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT INTERUPTERGround Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI/GFI) protection isa system that shuts down the electric circuit (opens it)when it senses an unexpected loss of power,presumably to ground. Manitowoc Ice, Inc. does notrecommend the use of a GFCI/GFI circuit protection withour equipment. If code requires the use of a GFCI/GFIthen you must follow the local code. The circuit must bededicated, sized properly and there must be a panelGFCI/GFI breaker. We do not recommend GFCI/GFIoutlets as they are known for more intermittent nuisancetrips than panel breakers.Q130/Q210/Q270 ICE MACHINE! WarningAll wiring must conform to local, state and nationalcodes.! WarningThe ice machine must be grounded in accordancewith national and local electrical codes.! WarningPERSONAL INJURY POTENTIALIf the supply cord is damaged, do not operate theequipment until the cord is replaced by a serviceagent or similarly qualified person..Ice MachineVoltagePhaseCycleAir-Cooled Water CooledMaximum Fuse/Circuit Breaker Total Amps Maximum Fuse/Circuit Breaker Total AmpsQ130115/1/60 15 7.0 15 6.3208-230/1/60 15 3.1 15 2.6230/1/50 15 3.0 15 2.5Q210115/1/60 15 6.5 15 6.1208-230/1/60 15 3.6 15 3.1230/1/50 15 3.6 15 3.1Q270DanfossCompressor115/1/60 15 10.7 15 9.9208-230/1/60 15 5.2 15 4.7230/1/50 15 5.2 15 4.7Q270TecumsehCompressor115/1/60 15 8.5 15 7.7208-230/1/60 15 4.5 15 4.0230/1/50 15 4.5 15 4.0