Installation Instructions Section 22-6 Part Number 000001114Location of Ice MachineThe location selected for the ice machine must meet thefollowing criteria. If any of these criteria are not met,select another location.• The location must be free of airborne and othercontaminants.• The air temperature must be at least 35°F (1.6°C),but must not exceed 110°F (43.4°C).• The location must not be near heat-generatingequipment or in direct sunlight.• The location must not obstruct air flow through oraround the ice machine. Refer to the chart below forclearance requirements.Stacking Two Ice Machines on a SingleStorage BinA stacking kit is required for stacking two ice machines.Installation instructions are supplied with the stacking kit.Ice Machine Heat of RejectionIce machines, like other refrigeration equipment, rejectheat through the condenser. It is helpful to know theamount of heat rejected by the ice machine when sizingair conditioning equipment where self-contained air-cooled ice machines are installed.This information is also necessary when evaluating thebenefits of using water-cooled or remote condensers toreduce air conditioning loads. The amount of heat addedto an air conditioned environment by an ice machineusing a water-cooled or remote condenser is negligible.Knowing the amount of heat rejected is also importantwhen sizing a cooling tower for a water-cooledcondenser. Use the peak figure for sizing the coolingtower.Q1300/Q1600/Q1800Self-ContainedAir-CooledWater-Cooledand RemoteTop/Sides 24" (610 mm) 8" (203 mm)Back 12" (305 mm) 5" (127 mm)Q370 Self-ContainedAir-Cooled Water-CooledTop/Sides 12" (305 mm) 5" (127 mm)Back 5" (127 mm) 5" (127 mm)All otherQ modelsSelf-ContainedAir-CooledWater-Cooledand RemoteTop/Sides 8" (203 mm) 8" (203 mm)Back 5" (127 mm) 5" (127 mm)There is no minimum clearance required. This value isrecommended for efficient operation and servicing only.Q1600 is not available as an air-cooled model.! CautionThe ice machine must be protected if it will besubjected to temperatures below 32°F (0°C).Failure caused by exposure to freezingtemperatures is not covered by the warranty. See“Removal from Service/Winterization”.Q450/Q600/Q800/Q1000StackedSelf-ContainedAir-CooledStackedWater-Cooledand RemoteTop/Sides 16" (40.64 cm) 5" (12.70 cm)Back 5" (12.70 cm) 5" (12.70 cm)Q1300/Q1600/Q1800Top/Sides 48" (121.92 cm) 24" (60.96 cm)Back 12" (30.48 cm) 12" (30.48 cm)There is no minimum clearance required. This value isrecommended for efficient operation and servicing only.Q1600 is not available as an air-cooled model.SeriesIce MachineHeat of RejectionB.T.U./HourAir ConditioningBecause the heat of rejection varies during the ice making cycle,the figure shown is an average.PeakQ280 3,800 6,000Q320 4,600 6,200Q370 3,900 5,950Q420 7,000 9,600Q450 7,000 9,600Q600 9,000 13,900Q800 12,400 19,500Q1000 16,000 24,700Q1300 24,000 35,500Q1600 24,000 35,500Q1800Before SN 110603336 36,000 50,000Q1800After SN 110603337 24,000 36,000