6-3Problem Probable Causes Corrective ActionController display is inwrong temperaturescale (Fahrenheit orCelsius).Incorrect display option programmed.Fryers using the FilterQuick controllercan toggle between F° to C° by pressingthe button until Product setup isdisplayed. Press to scroll to TechMode and press . Enter 1658. Press thescan button. The controller displaysOFF. Turn the controller on to checktemperature. If the desired scale is notdisplayed, repeat.Controller displays Hitemp.Frypot temperature is more than 40 ºF(4ºC) above set temperature.Press the power button to turn off fryerand let cool before returning power tofryer. If issue continues call your FASfor assistance.Controller displayshows hot-hi-1.Frypot temperature is more than 410ºF(210ºC) or, in CE countries, 395ºF(202ºC).Shut the fryer down immediately andcall your FAS for assistance.Controller displaysHigh limitfailuredisconnectpower.Failed high limitShut the fryer down immediately andcall your FAS for assistance.Controller displayshows TEMPPROBE FAILURE.Problem with the temperaturemeasuring circuitry including the probeor damaged controller wiring harness orconnector.Shut the fryer down and call your FASfor assistance.Controller displayshows HEATINGFAILURE.Failed controller, failed interface board,open high-limit thermostat. Call your FAS for assistance.Heating indicator ison, but fryer is notheating.Three phase power cord unplugged orcircuit breaker is tripped.Verify that the main power cord is fullyseated in its receptacle, locked into placeand that circuit breaker is not tripped Ifthe problem continues call your FAS forassistance.Controller displaysRECOVERYFAULT/ YES andalarm sounds.Recovery time exceeded maximum timelimit.Clear error and silence the alarm bypressing the (YES) button. Maximumrecovery time for electric is 1:40. If thiserror continues call your FAS forassistance.Controller locks up. Controller error. Call your FAS for assistance.Controller displaysSERVICEREQUIRED followedby an error message.An error has occurred which requires aservice technician.Press the (YES) button if the issue isfixed or press the (NO) button tocontinue cooking and call your FAS forassistance. In some cases, cooking maynot be available..