141. Press cutting (cutting small workpieces)009503Workpieces up to 68 mm high and 160 mm widecan be cut in the following way.After turning the stopper lever clockwise andsliding the carriage to your desired position, pushthe carriage toward the guide fence fully andtighten the locking screw clockwise and pull thelock lever toward yourself to secure the carriage.Secure the workpiece with the vise. Switch on thetool without the blade making any contact and waituntil the blade attains full speed before lowering.Then gently lower the handle to the fully loweredposition to cut the workpiece. When the cut iscompleted, switch off the tool and WAIT UNTILTHE BLADE HAS COME TO A COMPLETE STOPbefore returning the blade to its fully elevatedposition.CAUTION:• Firmly tighten the locking screw clockwise and pullthe lock lever toward yourself so that the carriagewill not move during operation. Insufficienttightening may cause unexpected kickback of theblade. Possible serious PERSONAL INJURY mayresult.2. Slide (push) cutting (cutting wide workpieces)12009496Loosen the locking screw counterclockwise andalso push forward the lock lever so that thecarriage can slide freely. Secure the workpiecewith the vise.009504Pull the carriage toward you fully. Switch on thetool without the blade making any contact and waituntil the blade attains full speed. Press down thehandle and PUSH THE CARRIAGE TOWARDTHE GUIDE FENCE AND THROUGH THEWORKPIECE. When the cut is completed, switchoff the tool and WAIT UNTIL THE BLADE HASCOME TO A COMPLETE STOP before returningthe blade to its fully elevated position.CAUTION:• Whenever performing the slide cut, FIRST PULLTHE CARRIAGE TOWARD YOU FULLY and pressdown the handle to the fully lowered position, thenPUSH THE CARRIAGE TOWARD THE GUIDEFENCE. NEVER START THE CUT WITH THECARRIAGE NOT FULLY PULLED TOWARD YOU.If you perform the slide cut without pulling thecarriage fully or if you perform the slide cut towardyour direction, the blade may kickbackunexpectedly with the potential to cause seriousPERSONAL INJURY.• Never perform the slide cut with the handle lockedin the lowered position by pressing the stopper pin.• Never loosen the knob which secures the carriagewhile the blade is rotating. This may cause seriousinjury.3. Miter cuttingRefer to the previously covered "Adjusting themiter angle".4. Bevel cut009505Loosen the lever and tilt the saw blade to set thebevel angle (Refer to the previously covered1. Lock lever2. Screw