16Carburetor adjustment is necessary for optimum engineperformance, for safer and more economical operation. Theengine should be warm, the air filter clean, and the chainproperly tensioned. Have carburetor adjustment done byan authorised MAKITA service centre.The carburetor is factory-adjusted for the air pressure at sealevel. At other elevations or under other conditions of weather,temperature, or humidity, or when breaking in a new engine, it maybe necessary to make slight adjustments to the carburetor.You will need a tachometer (1, part No. 950 233 210) foroptimum adjustment.Do not go below the specified setting of the main nozzle(H). Doing so may cause engine damage due to overheatingand insuffi cient lubrication!Use the supplied carburetor screwdriver (2) for carburetor adju-stment. It has a moulded-on projection that aids in adjusting.Before undertaking the adjustment, run the engine for 3-5 mi-nutes to warm it up, but not at high speed!For proper adjustment, proceed as follows:1. Basic setting (engine off)Start engine and warm up.2. Set idle3. Check acceleration4. Check top speed5. Check idle speedRepeat steps 2-5 until you get the right idle speed, goodacceleration and maximum permissible1. Basic settingCarefully turn the adjusting screws for the main nozzle (H)and idle nozzle (L) clockwise until you feel a stop.Turn adjusting screws (H) 11/2 and (L) 11/2 counter-clockwise.2. Set idleSet the idle speed per the technical specifications.Turning the adjusting screw (S) in (clockwise) increases theidle speed. Turning it out (counter-clockwise) lowers the idlespeed. In no case should the chain move.3. Check accelerationWhen the throttle is pressed, the engine should go smoothlyfrom idle to high speed. If this is too slow, turn the adjustingscrew (L) in small (max. 1/8 turns) increments counter-clo-ckwise.4. Check top speedThe basic setting H=11 /2 and L=11 /2 gives a maximum speedof about 13,500 rpm.For higher speed (electronically limited ), turn the adjustingscrew (H) a maximum 1/4 turn clockwise.The top speedin the governor can be clearly heard from the ignition mis-ses.Note: Since there is an electronic speed governor (limiter)at 13,500 rpm that cuts off the ignition current, the top speedcannot be read from the tachometer.Important: To prevent engine damage, never go belowsetting (H) 11 /4 turns.5. Check idle speedCheck the idle speed after setting the top speed (the chainmust not move).Repeat the adjustment procedure starting at Step 2, until theengine runs with the correct idle speed, good acceleration,and top speed.E12Adjusting the carburetor(only for not EU-countries)