Makita BV4500-118 Instruction Manual
Also see for BV4500-118: Instruction manualInstruction manual
4 ENGLISHhold-down device.4. $OZD\VEHVXUH\RXKDYHD¿UPIRRWLQJ%Hsure no one is below when using the tool inhigh locations.5. Be careful not to drop the broken off mandrelfrom high locations.'RLQJVRPD\FDXVHDQDFFLGHQWRULQMXU\6. Never place the tool on unstable surface. WhenWKHWRROGURSIURPKLJKORFDWLRQVLWPD\FDXVHDQDFFLGHQWRULQMXU\7. When operating the tool, do not block or sealthe ventilation windows of the tool.Symbols7KHIROORZLQJVVKRZWKHV\PEROVXVHGIRUWRROvoltsdirect currentImportant safety instructions forbattery cartridge1. Before using battery cartridge, read all instruc-tions and cautionary markings on (1) batterycharger, (2) battery, and (3) product usingbattery.2. Do not disassemble battery cartridge.3. If operating time has become excessivelyshorter, stop operating immediately. It mayresult in a risk of overheating, possible burnsand even an explosion.4. If electrolyte gets into your eyes, rinse themout with clear water and seek medical atten-tion right away. It may result in loss of youreyesight.5. Do not short the battery cartridge:(1) Do not touch the terminals with any con-ductive material.(2) Avoid storing battery cartridge in a con-tainer with other metal objects such asnails, coins, etc.(3) Do not expose battery cartridge to wateror rain.A battery short can cause a large currentÀRZRYHUKHDWLQJSRVVLEOHEXUQVDQGHYHQDbreakdown.6. Do not store the tool and battery cartridge inlocations where the temperature may reach orexceed 50 °C (122 °F).7. Do not incinerate the battery cartridge even ifit is severely damaged or is completely wornRXW7KHEDWWHU\FDUWULGJHFDQH[SORGHLQD¿UH8. Be careful not to drop or strike battery.9. Do not use a damaged battery.10. The contained lithium-ion batteries are subjectto the Dangerous Goods Legislation require-ments.)RUFRPPHUFLDOWUDQVSRUWVHJE\WKLUGSDUWLHVforwarding agents, special requirement on pack-aging and labeling must be observed.For preparation of the item being shipped, consult-ing an expert for hazardous material is required.3OHDVHDOVRREVHUYHSRVVLEO\PRUHGHWDLOHGnational regulations.Tape or mask off open contacts and pack up theEDWWHU\LQVXFKDPDQQHUWKDWLWFDQQRWPRYHaround in the packaging.11. Follow your local regulations relating to dis-posal of battery.12. Use the batteries only with the productsVSHFL¿HGE\0DNLWD Installing the batteries toQRQFRPSOLDQWSURGXFWVPD\UHVXOWLQD¿UHH[FHV-VLYHKHDWH[SORVLRQRUOHDNRIHOHFWURO\WHSAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS.CAUTION: Only use genuine Makita batteries.Use of non-genuine Makita batteries, or batteries thatKDYHEHHQDOWHUHGPD\UHVXOWLQWKHEDWWHU\EXUVWLQJFDXVLQJ¿UHVSHUVRQDOLQMXU\DQGGDPDJH,WZLOODOVRYRLGWKH0DNLWDZDUUDQW\IRUWKH0DNLWDWRRODQGcharger.Tips for maintaining maximumbattery life1. Charge the battery cartridge before completelydischarged. Always stop tool operation andcharge the battery cartridge when you noticeless tool power.2. Never recharge a fully charged battery car-tridge. Overcharging shortens the batteryservice life.3. Charge the battery cartridge with room tem-perature at 10 °C - 40 °C (50 °F - 104 °F). Leta hot battery cartridge cool down beforecharging it.4. Charge the battery cartridge if you do not useit for a long period (more than six months).FUNCTIONALDESCRIPTIONCAUTION: Always be sure that the tool isswitched off and the battery cartridge is removedbefore adjusting or checking function on the tool.Installing or removing batterycartridgeCAUTION: Always switch off the tool beforeinstalling or removing of the battery cartridge.CAUTION: Hold the tool and the battery car-WULGJH¿UPO\ZKHQLQVWDOOLQJRUUHPRYLQJEDWWHU\cartridge.)DLOXUHWRKROGWKHWRRODQGWKHEDWWHU\FDUWULGJH¿UPO\PD\FDXVHWKHPWRVOLSRII\RXUKDQGVDQGUHVXOWLQGDPDJHWRWKHWRRODQGEDWWHU\FDUWULGJHDQGDSHUVRQDOLQMXU\ |
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