115. During radio alarm symbol is flashing, rotate Tuningcontrol knob to select desired wake-up band andstation, then press Tuning control knob to confirm theselection.6. Rotate Tuning control knob to select the desiredvolume and press Tuning control knob to confirm thevolume. Radio alarm setting is now completed.Note:If new radio alarm station is not selected, it will selectthe last alarm station.Note:If the selected AM/FM alarm station is not availablewhen the alarm is sounding, the buzzer alarm will beused instead.b. Setting HWS (Humane Wake System) buzzer alarm:A beep tone will activate when selecting the HWS buzzeralarm.The alarm beep will sound shorter every 15 seconds forone minute followed by one minute silence beforerepeating the cycle.1. The buzzer alarm can be set either when the radio ison or off.2. Press and hold the buzzer alarm button , thesymbol and the display hour will flash along with abeep.3. During buzzer alarm symbol flashes, rotateTuning control knob to select the hour and pressTuning control knob again to confirm hour setting.Then rotate the Tuning control knob to select theminute and press Tuning control knob to confirmminute setting.4. Rotate the Tuning control knob and the display willshow the frequency options for the alarm.The alarm options are as follows:ONCE - the alarm will sound onceDAILY - the alarm will sound everydayWEEKDAY - the alarm will sound only on weekdaysWEEKEND - the alarm will sound only at weekendsPress the Tuning control to confirm the setting.Note:There is no volume adjustment for buzzer alarm.When the alarm soundsTo cancel a sounding alarm, press the Power button.Disabling/cancelling alarmsTo disable an active alarm, either press the Power button, or press and hold the corresponding alarm button tocancel the alarm.Snooze1. When the alarm sounds, press any button other thanthe Power button will silence the alarm for 5 minutes.“SNOOZE” will appear on the display.2. To adjust the silence time for the snooze timer, pressand hold the Menu/Info button to enter the menusetting.3. Rotate the Tuning control until “SNOOZE X”appears on the display, then press the Tuning controlto enter the setting. Rotate the Tuning controlto adjust the silence time from 5, 10, 15 and20 minutes for the snooze timer.4. To cancel the snooze timer while the alarm issuspended, press the Power button .Sleep timerYour radio can be set to turn off automatically after apreset time has elapsed. The Sleep Timer setting can beadjusted between 60, 45, 30, 15, 120 and 90 minutes.1. Press and hold the Power button to enter theSleep Timer setting. “SLEEP XX” will show on thedisplay.2. Keep holding the Power button and the SleepTimer options will start switching on the display. Stopuntil the desired Sleep Timer setting appears on thedisplay. The setting will be saved and the LCD willreturn to normal display.3. Your radio will switch off automatically after the presetSleep Timer has elapsed. The Sleep Timer iconwill show on the display indicating an active SleepTimer.4. To cancel the Sleep Timer function before the presettime has elapsed, simply press the Power buttonto turn the unit off manually.LoudnessYou can get compensation on lower and higher frequencyfor your BMR103 by adjusting the loudness function.1. Press and hold the Menu/Info button to enter themenu setting.2. Rotate the Tuning control until “LOUD ON” or“LOUD OFF” appears on the display. Press theTuning control to enter the setting.3. Rotate the Tuning control to choose ON to turn onthe loudness function, then press the Tuning controlto confirm the setting.4. To turn off the loudness function, select OFF andpress the Tuning control to confirm the setting.