Patch Examples: 10Voltage Controlled Pendulum:With sequence running, patch the Gate Output from Stage 8 (or 4, or ?) to the Trigger Input of MATHS CH. 4. Take EOC Outputfrom MATHS, patch to BRAINS Direction Input. Set MATHS CH. 4 Rise to 12:00, Fall to 3:00 and Response to Linear. The sequenceshould be traveling BWD at this point, but it really depends upon the rate of the incoming clock at BRAIN CLK Input. By setting ormodulating the Fall parameter of CH. 4, you will have control over the direction of the sequence and how long sequence travelsin that direction.Buchla 250e Style Movement:Patch MATHS CH. 1 EOR to Clock Input, BRAINS. Set MATHS to Cycle, Rise panel control to Noon, Fall will set upper limit of clockrate. Sequence should be running. Patch the bottom most row of Tuned Voltages from PRESSURE POINTS, to MATHS CH. 1 FallControl Input. Set all potentiometers in corresponding row to Full CCW. Sequence is now running at the upper limit (fastest)tempo/rate. This Row of pots is like the INNER row of pots on the 250e, each setting their corresponding stage's length. As youset any stage's pot further CW, the length of that stage increases. The other two rows of pots in the PP/BRAINS system are usedlike the OUTER row of pots on the 250e, and at their outputs, you have the Arbitrary Function quantized to the Master Clock.