Mag-Torch MT 525 Safety And Operating Instructions Manual
Before attaching torch to gas cylinder, check and make surevalve is OFF by turning knob in clockwise direction, hand tightonly. DO NOT FORCE.Turn gas cylinder clockwise into valve body until HAND TIGHT-ENED and attached securely. Save the cylinder protective capfor later storage.WARNING:Contents extremely flammable and under pressure.Keep out of reach of children or any one who has notread the instructions.Please refer to information on the specific torch youpurchased.Use of non recommended fuel will void your warranty.DO NOT store at temperatures above 120˚F (49˚C).DO NOT store in rooms used for habitation.GENERAL SAFETY RULES:1. Do not try to operate before reading instructions. Do not use thistorch until you understand all of the instructions and cautions.Familiarize yourself with the torch before lighting or using. Reviewinstructions and cautions periodically to maintain awareness. Deviat-ing from these procedures may result in fire, explosion, and proper-ty damage and/or operator injury.2. Do not point torch toward face, other persons or flammableobjects. Never attempt to use torch as a cigarette lighter.3. Disconnect gas cylinder when not in use.4. Never attempt to modify the torch construction and never useunapproved fuel or accessories.5. Treat the torch as you would any fine tool or instrument. Do notdrop or abuse.6. Do not use a leaking, damaged or malfunctioning torch, STOPusing it immediately. DO NOT use the torch until you correct theproblem. Torches improperly operated, maintained or repaired canbe dangerous. Improper use, service, repair or modification of thetorch could result in damage to the product, property damage orpersonal injury to the operator.7. Work only in well ventilated areas.8. Avoid contact of flux with skin or eyes. Avoid the fumes fromfluxes, lead-based paint and all metal heating operations. They mayemit dangerous fumes when heated with a torch. Breathing thesefumes is hazardous to your health. Be especially careful to avoidfumes from cadmium plating and galvanized metal – DO removethese coatings in the area to be heated by filing or sanding prior toheating.9. Always place your work on firebrick. If you are not sure it isfirebrick DO NOT use it. Ordinary brick and concrete can explodewhen subjected to high temperatures. DO NOT work on wood ormetal surfaces. Always shield your work.10. Always wear protective gloves and use proper tools to handlehot work.11. Always wear eye protection when operating the torch. Whenbrazing, use goggles with an ANSSI Z87.12979 Shade NO. 4 or No.5 lens.12. Be aware that the tip of the torch can get extremely hot duringuse. Take precautions to protect yourself and others from accidentalburns. Never use the torch on or near combustibles. Be especiallycareful around motor vehicles or any gasoline-fired products andbeware of hidden fuel lines and tanks.13. Always make certain the torch is placed on a level surface whenconnected to the gas cylinder to reduce the risk of accidental tipover. Be sure torch is not pointed in a direction which could causenearby objects to ignite when torch is set down.14. When thawing pipes, be very careful not to overheat surround-ing materials. The use of a heat shield is recommended.15. Always have a fire extinguisher and a bucket of water near thetorch and work area. Do not place them in the flame path or in alocation where you could not reach them should a fire break out.RECOMMEND FUEL TO BEUSED FOR MODELS:MT 525, MT 525 CPROPANE ONLYUse only Propane Fuel with thistorch. Use of any other fuel maydamage your torch and may causeserious harm or personal injury.MT 531, MT 531 C, MT 531 PKPROPANE ONLYUse only Propane Fuel with thistorch. Use of any other fuel maydamage your torch and may causeserious harm or personal injury.DANGER – ALL MODELS:ASSEMBLY – ALL MODELS:MT 525, MT 525 CPROPANE ONLYTorch should be directed in a safe direction away from peopleand objects. Use only Propane Fuel with this torch. Use of anyother fuel may damage your torch and may cause seriousharm. Make sure the on/off adjustment knob is in “off” positionwhen installing a gas cylinder. With valve open and withoutlighting, test all connections for leaks with soapy water at thetorch and gas cylinder connection. Check all joints and cou-plings periodically to insure against loose connections.(Extremely flammable contents under pressure.) Keep out of reachof children. Keep away from heat or flame. It is illegal and danger-ous to refill the gas cylinder. Obtain new gas cylinder from yourdealer. Avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight. Do not store nearheat or in a room used for habitation. Always close torch valveand wait at least 30 seconds before removing torch from gascylinder. Always detach gas cylinder from torch when not in use.Do not breathe gas, fumes, vapor or spray. If inhaled, removeaffected person to fresh air. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Forskin contact, flush with large amounts of water. In case of contactwith eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medi-cal advice. When gas cylinder is empty, discard in a safe place. Donot throw in fire. Do not puncture or incinerate container. Federallaw forbids transportation if refilled. Penalty up to $25,000.00 fineand five years imprisonment (49 U.S.C. 1809).Read and under-stand these instructions prior to use.PUSHCOMPLETE SAFETY ANDOPERATING INSTRUCTIONSIf a leak is detected, replace the gas cylinder and check forleaks again. If leaking still occurs the torch MUST NOT beused. DO NOT ATTACH OR DETACH TORCH WHERE OPENFLAMES CAN IGNITE ACCIDENTALLY RELEASED GAS. Crossedthreads may result in the sudden escape of extremely flamma-ble gas. Examine the torch’s o-rings for cuts or other damages.Do not use torch with damaged or cut o-rings. The completeorifice/o-ring adaptor must be serviced by Magna’s factory.This torch has a special orifice installation process and shouldONLY be changed by Magna’s factory. Do not use torch with acylinder tipped more than 60˚ from the upright position as thismay cause the torch to flare. Turn the adjustment knob coun-ter-clockwise about a 1/8th to 1/4th of a turn, the gas willblowout with a light ”hiss” sound from the torch. Press “ignitionbutton” and the flame will ignite instantly. If torch does notignite, increase or decrease gas flow and repeat ignitionprocess. Low gas flow will cause the tube tip to turn red hot.Continued use in this manner may cause damage to the ignitersystem.Torch should be directed in a safe direction away from peopleand objects. Use only Propane Fuel with this torch. Use of anyother fuel may damage your torch and may cause seriousharm. Make sure the on/off adjustment knob is in “off” positionwhen installing a gas cylinder. With valve open and withoutlighting, test all connections for leaks with soapy water at thetorch and gas cylinder connection. Check all joints and cou-plings periodically to insure against loose connections. If a leakis detected, replace the gas cylinder and check for leaks again.If leaking still occurs the torch MUST NOT be used. DO NOTATTACH OR DETACH TORCH WHERE OPEN FLAMES CANIGNITE ACCIDENTALLY RELEASED GAS. Crossed threads mayresult in the sudden escape of extremely flammable gas. Turnthe adjustment knob counter-clockwise about a 1/8th turn, thegas will blowout with a light “hiss” sounds from the torch.Press “ignition button” and the flame will ignite instantly. Iftorch does not ignite, increase or decrease gas flow and repeatignition process. Low gas flow will cause the tube tip to turnred hot. Continued use in this manner may cause damage tothe igniter system.In cold weather the size of the flame will be smaller. To produce alarge flame, pre-warm the gas cylinder to room temperature priorto use. Shaking the gas cylinder a few times to warm the fuel upwill help. There is a greater possibility that the flame will extin-guish when the torch is turned upside down in cold weather.WARNING: Byproducts of the combustion of the fuel used bythis product contains chemicals known to the State of Californiato cause cancer or reproductive harm.ADVERTENCIA: Los subproductos de la combustión del com-bustible utilizado por este producto contiene químicos que en elEstado de California como causantes de cáncer o daños repro-ductivos.AVERTISSEMENT: Les sous-produits de la combustion ducarburant utilisé par ce produit contient des produits chimiquesconnus à l'état de Californie pour causer le cancer ou des malfor-mations congénitales.Brass Prop 65 Warning: Handling the brass parts of thisproduct will expose you to lead, a chemical know to the State ofCalifornia to cause birth defects and other reproductive harm.Wash hands after handling.Brass Prop 65 Avertissement: La manipulation des pièces enlaiton de ce produit vous expose à du plomb, un produitchimique savoir à l'État de Californie pour causer des malfor-mations congénitales et d'autres troubles de la reproduction. Selaver les mains après manipulation.Proposicion 65 Sobre El Bronce Avertissement : Manuten-tion les pièces de laiton de ce produit vous exposera au plomb,un produit chimique connaître l'état de Californie pour causerdes malformations congénitales et autres problèmes repro-ductifs. Lavez-vous les mains après manipulation.MT 531, MT 531 C, MT 531 PKPROPANE ONLYDANGER:CONTENTS EXTREMELYFLAMMABLE AND UNDERPRESSURE. KEEP OUT OF THE REACHOF CHILDRENPUSH TOIGNITEFor hottest, most efficient flame, adjust inner blue flame ofpencil burner to 1” to 2” length.TEMPERATURE ADJUSTMENT – ALLMODELSIMPORTANTDo not return to retail location. For anyand all questions , call1 (800) 969-3334Eastern Standard Time—8:30 A.M. to 5:00P.M.The gas cylinder contains gaseous and liquid fuel. If the torchis moved rapidly, tilted too far to the side or upside down, theliquid can enter the valve and cause the flame to flare orextinguish. Make sure torch is cool before tightening or remov-ing torch head or before installing or removing accessories.WARNING – ALL MODELS:COLD WEATHER OPERATION – ALLMODELS:TURNING OFF AND STORAGE:REMOVE GAS CYLINDER FROM TORCH WHEN NOT IN USE.NEVER STORE WITH TORCH ATTACHED TO GAS CYLINDER. Turnvalve off. NOTE: The flame may continue to burn for a shortperiod of time if the torch has been operated in an inverted(upside down) position. When torch is cool, turn the gas cylindercounter-clockwise from valve body to disconnect. Then store torchand gas cylinder separately. Observe cautions on gas cylinderlabel. Replace the protective cap on the gas cylinder after use.ALWAYS USE YOUR TORCH IN AWELL VENTILATED AREAON/OFFSWITCH |
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