Connecting to amplifierThe way you connect your C-range speakers to your amplifier depends on the type of installation that you aremaking and the type of amplifier used.CablesTo get the best possible performance from your C-range speaker, use high quality cable. Cables with highcapacitance, high inductance and high impedance have a strong negative influence on sound quality as well asamplifier reliability.Mach Speakers A/S recommend 2x4 mm (11 AWG) or 4x4 mm (11 AWG) Mach speaker cable. This is a professionalrubber cable that is waterproof, has low impedance, low inductance and low capacitance. It also has a low sulfurcontent that ensures minimum cable oxidation. The cable is very soft and easy to wind. For recommended cablelengths, please see table.Recommended cable lengths (damping factor = 50)Simple connectionThe most basic type of connection is a direct connection from one channel on the amplifier to one speaker. Inthis case connect the [+] terminal on the amplifier to the [+] terminal on the speaker and the [-] terminal on theamplifier to the [-] terminal on the speaker.Cable size/load 8 ohms 4 ohms 2 ohms1.5# (15 AWG) 15 m (50 ft.) 7.5 m (25 ft.) 4 m (13 ft.)2.5# (11 AWG) 30 m (100 ft.) 15 m (50 ft.) 7.5 m (25 ft.)4.0# (11 AWG) 60 m (200 ft.) 30 m (100 ft.) 15 m (50 ft.)Output14AmplifierTerminal on speakerIn/LinkIn/LinkIn/LinkIn/LinkMainsIn/Link In/Link