Installation 7O P E R A T I O N W I T H A V I R O S O U N D S U BW O O F E RFor additional sub-bass output, the Alien S51 can be supported by the ViroSoundsub woofer. This sub woofer features a stereo amplifier, which enables it to powertwo Alien S51s.Note that only one Alien S51 can be connected to each output channel.The ViroSound sub woofer can be ordered from your Mach dealer.I N S T A L L A T I O NTo install the Alien S51:1 Cut a round hole with adiameter of 182 mm (7.2 in) inthe panel in which the AlienS51 is to be installed.2 If the Alien S51 is being drivenby a:• Standard amplifier, then setthe switch at the top of thefixture to the 4 ohm position.• 100 volt amplifier, then set theswitch to the 100 V position.3 Run speaker leads from thea m p l i f i e r t o t h e h o l e a n dconnect the speaker leads to the Alien S51. At this point it is a good idea to turn onthe amplifier and test that sound can be heard from the speaker.4 Insert the Alien S51 into the mounting hole.182 mm 182 mm