Flue gas system 135.4 Flue gas systemThe flue gas system consists of a chimney and a flue gas tube. The flue gas tube connects the pellet heatingsystem to the chimney. The chimney leads the flue gas from the pellet heating system out into the open.1. Design of the chimneyThe dimensions and design of the chimney is very important. The chimney must be able to ensure suffici-ent draft to safely draw away the flue gas regardless of the status of the Furnace. Low flue gas temperatu-res can cause sooting and moisture damage on chimneys that are not insulated. For this reason moisture-resistant chimneys (stainless steel or ceramic) should be used. An existing chimney that is not damp-re-sistant needs to be rennovated before use. Follow guidelines below:Furnace size FurnaceFlue gas tube diameter (at Furnace) inch/mm 6.3/160Flue gas temp. / rated power °FFlue gas temp. / partial load °FMin. draft – full load/part load in/wc – 0.04 / – 0.02Chimney size Min. Height6in x 6in 17ft7in x 7in 16ft8in x 8in 16ft6in round 19ft7in round 17ftPerson(s) operating a pellet fired furnace is/are respon-sible for operation in a manner that does not create apublic or private nuisance condition. The manufacturer'sdistance and stack height recommendations and the re-quirements in any applicable laws or other requirementsmay not always be adequate to prevent nuisance condi-tions due to terrain or other factors.Recommended and UL-103HT approved chimney materials are:a. Selkirk sure tempb. Supervent (JSC)c. Security chimneys (secure temp ASHT)Use flue gas pipe from chimney to Furnace as required by your local code.UUnnrreegguullaatteedd ccoommbbuussttiioonnPlease observe that combustion air openings and fluepipes are not reduced in size or closed. Make end useraware of these guidelines and their potential danger.Clean the chimney and the flue gas tube at regularintervals.Check if the draft inducer is clean and in a goodcondition.Operating Manual AutoPellet Air Furnace 17 — 28