SECTION 1: PRODUCTIVITY REPORTS EXPORT SUMMARY DRILL DOWN REPORTS28 M86 S ECURITY E VALUATION G UIDE1. In the Export pop-up box, enter the following information:• To field - Type in the email address of each intended report recipient, sepa-rating each address by a comma (,) and a space.• Subject field (optional) - Type in a brief description about the report.• Cc field (optional) - Type in the email address of each intended recipient of acarbon copy of this message, separating each address by a comma (,) and aspace.• Bcc field (optional) - Type in the email address of each intended recipient ofa blind carbon copy of this message, separating each address by a comma (,)and a space.• Body field (optional) - Type in text pertaining to the report.2. Click Email to send the report to the designated recipient(s).WARNING: Large reports might not be sent due to email size restrictions on your mailserver. The maximum size of an email message is often two or three MB. Please consultyour mail server administrator for more information about email size restrictions.View and print optionsThe view and print options for exporting reports let you view/print the report in thespecified file format. The view option lets you make any necessary adjustments toyour report file settings prior to printing the report. To print the report, you musthave a printer configured for your workstation.In the Export pop-up box, click the Download button to generate and download thereport in the specified file format.NOTE: Reports generated in the format for MS-DOS Text, Comma-Delimited Text, orExcel (Chinese or English) will display a single row of text for each record. Reports gener-ated in all other formats (PDF, Rich Text Format, HTML) will display any lengthy string oftext wrapped around below.View and print toolsIn the browser window containing the report, the tools available via the toolbar letyou perform some of the following actions on the open report file:File:• Save (Ctrl+S) or Save As - save the report file to your local drive• Print (Ctrl+P) - Open the Print dialog box where specifications can be madebefore printing the report file, such as changing the orientation of the printedpage by selecting Portrait (vertical) or Landscape (horizontal).Edit:• Select All - Highlight the entire text (Ctrl+A), and then Copy (Ctrl+C) and Paste(Ctrl+V) this text in an open file• Perform a search for text > Find - search for specific text in the file (Ctrl+F)To close the report file window, click the "X" in the upper right corner of the window.