Creating the PC-Doctor diagnostics disketteIn X41 series, the PC-Doctor disk can be created byusing the Access IBM Predesktop Area or theRescue and Recovery workspace.To create the PC-Doctor disk from the Access IBMPredesktop Area or from the Rescue and Recoveryworkspace, do as follows:1. Enter the Predesktop application or the Rescueand Recovery workspace by pressing theAccess IBM button during POST.2. When the Access IBM application or the Rescueand Recovery workspace finishes loading,double-click the “Create Diagnostic Diskettes”icon or click “Create diagnostic disks”respectively.3. It will take about 15 seconds to authenticate thedigital signature, and then the ThinkPadcomputer will reboot into PC-DOS.4. A batch file will automatically start up to promptthe user through creating the boot diskettes. Theuser will be informed how many diskettes will beneeded.a. The user will be prompted to insert eachdiskette in sequence.b. Typically, the user only needs to press theEnter key for the proper floppy drive toformat and create the diskette.c. Each diskette will be erased and formattedwith the PC-Doctor for DOS boot image.5. Once all the diskettes have been created, theThinkPad computer will reboot. The user isasked to remove all diskettes from the drive, orto insert the first diskette created if it is desiredto run the diagnostics.To run the test, do as follows:Note: In the following procedure, you can select an itemnot only with the arrow keys, but also with theTrackPoint. Instead of pressing Enter, click the leftbutton.1. Insert the PC-Doctor disk into the diskette drive; thenpower on the computer.If the computer cannot be powered on, go to “Powersystem checkout” on page 45, and check the powersources.Checkout guideGeneral descriptions 43