Table 7. Status indicatorsIndicator Meaning1 Speaker mute Orange: The speaker is on mute. To set thespeakers on mute or unmute, press thespeaker mute button.2 Microphone mute Orange: The microphone is on mute. None of therecording devices is available while themicrophone mute is on by default.3 Wireless LAN,Wireless WAN, orWiMAX statusGreen: The wireless LAN feature (the IEEE802.11 b/g standard, 802.11 a/b/g,or 802.11n), wireless WAN feature, orWiMax feature is on, and the radio linkis ready for use.Blinking green: Data is being transmitted.4 Bluetooth wirelessstatusR Green: The Bluetooth wireless feature is on, andthe radio link is ready for use.Blinking green: Data is being transmitted.5 Device access Green: Data is being read from or written to thehard disk drive, the diskette drive, or thedrive in the Serial Ultrabay™ Enhanceddevice. When this indicator is on, do notput the computer into sleep (standby)mode or turn off the computer.Note: Do not move the system while the green device access light is on. Suddenphysical shock could cause drive errors.6 Power on Green: The computer is on and ready to use.This indicator stays lit around thepower-on button whenever the computeris on and is not in sleep (standby) mode.7 Serial UltrabayEnhanced devicestatusGreen: A Serial Ultrabay Enhanced device isinstalled and in use.Blinking green: A Serial Ultrabay Enhanced device is inthe process of being detached.Turn off: A Serial Ultrabay Enhanced device isready to be attached or detached.8 Fingerprint readerstatus Green: The fingerprint reader is ready to swipe.Blinking green: The fingerprint is being authenticated orhas been authenticated.Blinking orange: The fingerprint could not beauthenticated.54 Hardware Maintenance Manual