Part Number: 45M2269ThinkPad Regulatory NoticeRead first — regulatory informationRead this document before using your computer. This computer complieswith the radio frequency and safety standards of any country or region inwhich it has been approved for wireless use. Install and use your computeraccording to the following instructions.If your computer contains a wireless WAN adapter, be sure to also readThinkPad ® Regulatory Notice for the Wireless WAN Adapter, included with yourcomputer.Notes:v When you use the ThinkPad X200 Tablet, you cannot use the wireless WANadapter and the wireless LAN/WiMAX adapter (Model: 533ANXMMW,AR5BHB63-L, 512AN_MMW, 533AN_MMW, or RTL8191SE) simultaneously.If one of the adapters has established the connection to the network, theother will be disconnected automatically. To confirm the status of thenetwork connection, check the power-status indicators of your computer.For more information about the power-status indicators, see “Power-statusindicators” in Access Help.v The list of the wireless LAN adapters, which is in “Simultaneous use for RFtransmitters” in ThinkPad Regulatory Notice for the Wireless WAN Adapter,included with your computer, has been superseded. Replace it with thefollowing:Wireless LAN/WiMAX adapter (FCC ID: PD9533ANXMU,PPD-AR5BHB63-L, PD9LEN512ANMU, PD9533ANMU, orTX2-RTL8191SE-L)Veuillez lire le présent document avant d’utiliser votre ordinateur. Cetordinateur est conforme aux normes de fréquence radio et de sécurité de tousles pays ou régions dans lesquels son utilisation sans fil a été homologuée.Installez et utilisez l’ordinateur en respectant les instructions qui suivent.Si votre ordinateur contient une carte de réseau étendu (WAN) sans fil, veillezà lire également la consigne réglementaire ThinkPad Regulatory Notice for theWireless WAN Adapter, fournie avec votre ordinateur.© Copyright Lenovo 2009 1