Powerful desktop expansion options for your ThinkPadThinkPad Docking and Port Replication SolutionsHighlightsPower and portabilityIBM ThinkPad notebooks have long setthe standard for portable computingpower with features that include fast Intel®Pentium ® processors, large high-resolution displays and high-capacityhard disk drives. ThinkPad dockingsolutions complement the power,convenience and flexibility long associ-ated with ThinkPad notebooks. The rangeof optional ThinkPad docking solutionsinclude SelectaBase models, PC CardEnabler, SelectaDock III and PortReplicators.Connectivity, power and simplicityCoupled with either SelectaDock BaseModel I, the new SelectaBase 600 orSelectaBase 770, SelectaDock III is aninnovative productivity enhancement thatoffers both simple cable management andfull-desktop functionality and connectivity.Investment protectionIBM’s docking solutions are designed toallow new ThinkPad systems to work withexisting and future docking products. It’sa building-block approach your budgetwill appreciate.a Better place to thinkS e l e c t a B a s e 600S e l e c t a B a s e 770S e l e c t a D o c k I I I