34Environmental, recycling, and disposal informationGeneral recycling statementLenovo encourages owners of information technology (IT) equipment toresponsibly recycle their equipment when it is no longer needed. Lenovooffers a variety of programs and services to assist equipment owners inrecycling their IT products. For information on recycling Lenovo products,go to http://www.lenovo.com/recycling.Important battery and WEEE informationTake back and recycling information for WEEE and batteries/accumulatorsin the European Union and the United KingdomThe crossed-out wheeled bin marking applies only to countries with WEEEand batteries waste regulations within the European Union (EU), and UnitedKingdom (UK).Appliances and batteries/accumulators are labeled in accordance with localregulations concerning waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)and waste batteries and waste accumulators. These regulations determinethe framework for the return and recycling of used appliances and usedbatteries/accumulators as applicable within each geography. This label isapplied to various products to indicate that the product is not to be thrownaway, but rather put in the established collection systems for reclaimingthese end of life products.The label on the battery may also include a chemical symbol for the metalconcerned in the battery (Pb for lead, Hg for mercury, and Cd for cadmium).Users of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) and users of batteries/accumulators with the crossed-out wheeled bin marking must not disposeof end of life products as unsorted municipal waste, but use the collectionframework available to them for the return, recycle, and recovery of WEEEand waste batteries/accumulators and to minimize any potential effectsof EEE and batteries on the environment and human health due to thepresence of hazardous substances.