12 3U Rack or Tower UPS RT5.0kVA and RT6.0kVA Installation and User's GuideSubmenu Available settings Default settingsOn/Off settings Cold start [Enabled] [Disabled]Authorize the product tostart on battery power.[Enabled]Forced reboot [Enabled] [Disabled]If mains recover during ashutdown sequence:If set to Enabled, shutdownsequence will completeand wait 10 seconds priorto restart, if set to Disabled,shutdown sequence willnot complete and restartwill occur immediately.[Enabled]Auto restart [Enabled] [Disabled]Authorize the productto restart automaticallywhen mains recoversafter a complete batterydischarge.[Enabled]Auto start [Enabled] [Disabled]The UPS automaticallystarts up as soon as mainspower is available (no needto press the button).[Disabled]Energy saving [Disabled] [100W] …[1000W]If Enabled, UPS will shutdown after 5 min. ofback-up time, if load is lessthan threshold.[Disabled]On/Off settings(continued)Sleep mode [Enabled] [Disabled]If Disabled, LCD andcommunication will turnOFF immediately after UPSis OFF.If Enabled, LCD andcommunication stays ON1h 30 min. after UPS isOFF.[Enabled]Remote command [Enabled] [Disabled]If Enabled, shutdown orrestart commands fromsoftware are authorized.[Enabled]