76Fuser Unit ErrorStart indicator is offThe red power indicator flashes rapidlytwice and the green indicator flashes onceLaser Scanning Unit FaultStart indicator is offThe red power indicator flashes oncerapidly and the green indicator flashestwiceMain Motor FaultStart indicator is offThe red power indicator flashes twicerapidly and the green indicator flashestwiceHVPS Unit FaultStart indicator is offThe red power indicator flashes oncerapidly and the blue indicator flashesonceLVPS FaultStart indicator is offThe red power indicator flashes twicerapidly and the blue indicator flashesonceFan FaultStart indicator is offThe red power indicator flashes oncerapidly and the blue indicator flashestwiceScanning Head Not ResetStart indicator is offThe red power indicator flashes twicerapidly and the blue indicator flashes twiceScanner Motor FaultStart indicator is offThe green power indicator flashes oncerapidly and the blue indicator flashes once