Reading before using your smartphoneReading first - regulatory informationBe sure to read the Regulatory Notice for your country or region beforeusing the wireless devices contained in your Lenovo Mobile Phone. Toobtain a PDF version of the Regulatory Notice, go Some regulatory information is alsoavailable in Settings > My phone > Regulatory information on yoursmartphone.Getting supportTo get support on network service and billing, contact your wirelessnetwork operator. To learn how to use your smartphone and view itstechnical specifications, go to your User GuideYour User Guide contains detailed information about your smartphone.To access your User Guide, go to andfollow the instructions on the screen.Legal noticesLenovo and the Lenovo logo are trademarks of Lenovo in the UnitedStates, other countries, or both.Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks orservice marks of others.For additional legal notices, refer to the User Guide for your phone. See“Accessing your User Guide” for additional information.