105. To exit and save the setting, press or to the exit item and pressMENU-key, or leave the monitor alone for 10 seconds.6. When the OSD window is active, it shows the input signal timing. The"H" Stands for the horizontal frequency and "V" stands for the verticalfrequency.7. Press and during the power switch on.The OSD menu will bedisplayed rotated by 90°, and reapeat this action, the display will comeback the factory mode.OSDOSDFigure 5 English OSD Message Figure 6 Chinese OSD MessageThe description for function control LEDS1. BRIGHTNESS & CONTRAST1.1 BRIGHTNESSAdjust the picture brightness.1.2 CONTRASTAdjust the picture contrast.2. ADJUST POSITION2.1 HORIZONTAL POSITIONAdjust the horizontal position of the picture.2.2 VERTICAL POSITIONAdjust the vertical position of the picture.3. VIDEO NOISE3.1 FOCUSAdjust the picture Focus.3.2 CLOCKAdjust the picture Clock.ADJUSTING THE PICTURE