CHAPTER 3 CONTROL PANEL3-5SSeerrvviiccee CCaallll IInnddiiccaattiioonnssIf an unrecoverable error occurs, the printer will indicate the need for aservice call by illuminating all the LEDs and then alternating thefollowing combination of LEDs.For example, the following two indications alternate when a fusermalfunction error occurs.Service Call FuserMalfunctionDrumReady !Alarm !Data !ReadyAlarmPaperTonerDataDrumReadyAlarmPaperTonerDataDrumService call FuserMalfunctionLaser BDMalfunctionScannerMalfunctionROM ErrorDrum ! !Ready ! !Alarm ! ! !Data ! ! ! !Service Call D-RAMErrorService A Service B EngineInterface ErrorDrum ! !Ready ! !Alarm !Data ! ! !