Appendix B. Use, and care information77• When picking up your open computer, hold it by the bottom. Do notpick up or hold your computer by the display.• Use a quality carrying case that provides adequate cushion andprotection. Do not pack your computer in a tightly packed suitcase orbag. For outdoor use• Backup your critical data before you take your computer outdoors.• Ensure that the battery is full.• Be sure to turn off the power and close the LCD well.• When you leave the computer in your car, place it on the back seat toavoid being insolated.• Carry the AC adapter and power cord with the computer. Handling storage media and drives properly• If your computer comes with an optical drive, do not touch the surface ofa disc or the lens on the tray.• Wait until you hear the CD or DVD click into the center pivot of anoptical drive before closing the tray.• When installing your hard disk, follow the instructions shipped withyour hardware, and apply pressure only where needed on the device.