EN16Recycling information for IndiaRecycling and disposal information for India is availableat:http://www.lenovo.com/social_responsibility/us/en/sustainability/ptb_india.htmlBattery recycling markBattery recycling information for the EuropeanUnion.Batteries or packaging for batteries are labeled in ac-cordance with European Directive 2006/66/EC concern-ing batteries and accumulators and waste batteries andaccum ulat ors. The Directive determines the frameworkfor the return and recycling of used batteries and accu-mulators as applicable throughout the European Union.This label is applied to various batteries to indicate thatthe battery is not to be thrown away, but rather reclaimedupon end of life per this Directive. In acco rd an ce w ith the Euro pean Directive 2006/66/EC, batteries andaccumulators are labeled to indicate that they are to becollected separately and recycled at end of life.The label on the battery may also include a chemical sym-bol for the metal concerned in the battery (Pb for lead, Hgfor mercury, and Cd for cadmium), Users of batteries andaccumulators must not dispose of batteries and accumu-lators as unsorted municipal waste, but use the collectionframework available to customers for the return recycling,and treatment of batteries and accumulators. Customerparticipation is important to minimize any potential effectsof batteries and accumulators on the environment andhuman health due to the potential presence of hazard-