Related publications and linksFor more information, see the following resources:Lenovo B300 FC SAN Switch product page more information, see the Lenovo B300 FC SAN Switch product publications, available from theLenovo support website ( or Brocade 300 Resource Library: Installation GuideAccess Gateway Administrator's GuideEZSwitchSetup Administrator's GuideFabric OS Administrator's GuideFlow Vision Administrator's GuideMonitoring and Alerting Policy Suite Administrator's GuideWeb Tools Administrator's GuideFabric OS Troubleshooting and Diagnostics GuideFabric OS Command ReferenceFabric OS Message ReferenceFabric OS MIB ReferenceHow to download firmware for Lenovo B Series FC SAN switches: product familiesProduct families related to this document are the following:Rack SAN SwitchesLenovo B300 FC SAN Switch 20