18Service and Support informationThe following information describes the technicalsupport that is available for your product, during thewarranty period or throughout the life of your product.Refer to the Lenovo Limited Warranty for a fullexplanation of Lenovo warranty terms. See “LenovoLimited Warranty notice” later in this document fordetails on accessing the full warranty.Online technical supportOnline technical support is available during the lifetimeof a product at http://www.lenovo.com/support.Telephone technical supportYou can get help and information from the CustomerSupport Center by telephone. Before contacting aLenovo technical support representative, please havethe following information available: model and serialnumber, the exact wording of any error message, and adescription of the problem.Your technical support representative might want towalk you through the problem while you are at yourphone during the call.Worldwide Lenovo Support telephone list