ThinkCenTre® A57:The nO-hASSLe deSkTOp.Stable, Manageable and SecureStability and Manageability– easy to manage and maintain without anentire it department– thinkVantage ® technologies helpautomate critical system tasks– award-winning service and support givesyou peace of mindLenovo recommends Windows Vista ® Business.Security– disable uSb ports in the biOS forphysical data control– rescue and recovery™ for one buttonrecovery if the system crashes– computrace ready for integrated assetManagement & recoveryFeature Filled– latest intel ® core™ 2 duo and core™ 2Quad processors– numerous connectivity ports andexpansion bays/slots– graphics card support on tower andSmall Form FactorsSPend yOur tiMe ManagingyOur buSineSS, nOt yOurcOMPuter.