Part Number: 45N4604IdeaPad™ Regulatory NoticeRead first — regulatory informationPlease read this document before you use the IdeaPad computer. IdeaPad computercomplies with the radio frequency and safety standards of any country or region inwhich it has been approved for wireless use. You must install and use your computerin strict accordance with the instructions as described hereafter.Veuillez lire ce document avant d’utiliser l’ordinateur IdeaPad. L’ordinateur IdeaPadest conforme aux normes de sécurité et de radiofréquence du pays ou de la région oùson utilisation sans fil est agréée. Vous devez installer et utiliser votre ordinateur enrespectant scrupuleusement les instructions décrites ci-après.USA — Federal Communications Commission (FCC)This IdeaPad computer contains the following devices:v WLAN Mini PCI Express Cardv Bluetooth deviceThe antennas for wireless devices are integrated in the computer.© Copyright Lenovo 2008 1