Using PC Entitlement Warehouse (PEW)v PEW is the primary source for identifying FRU part numbers and FRUdescriptions for the key commodities for CMV products at a MT - serial numberlevel. An example of key commodities are hard disk drives, system boards,microprocessors, Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs), and memory.v Remember, All CMV products are loaded in PEW under the 4-digit MT and3-digit model, where model = “fixed part number”.v PEW can be accessed at the following Web site: can also access PEW via on MACHINE LOOKUP, followed by WARRANTY INFORMATION. Inputthe MT and the Serial number and the list of key commodities will be returnedin the PEW record under COMPONENT INFORMATION.v Business Partners using Eclaim will access PEW when performing EntitlementLookup. Business Partners will enter Loc ID, MT and Serial, and the keycommodities will be returned in the Eclaim record under SYSTEM DETAILS.v Authorized IBM Business Partners can access Eclaim at the following Web site:https://wca.eclaim.comUsing eSupportFor Key Commodities (Examples - hard disk drive, system board,microprocessor, LCD, and memory)v eSupport can be used to view the list of key commodities built in a particularmachine serial (this is the same record found in PEW).v eSupport can be accessed at the following Web site: To view the key commodities, click on PARTS INFORMATION, then PARTSLOOKUP. Type in the model type and serial number. The key commodities willbe returned in the eSupport record under PARTS SHIPPED WITH YOURSYSTEM.For the Remaining FRUs (the complete list of FRUs at the MT Model level)v eSupport can be used to view the complete list of FRUs for a machine type andmodel.v To view the complete list of FRUs, type in the machine type and model(Example: 1829-CTO) under QUICK PATH. Under “View by Document Type”select PARTS INFORMATION. Under “Filter by Category” select SERVICEPARTS. Under “Parts Information by Date” select SYSTEM SERVICE PARTS. Thelist of service parts by description, with applicable machine type model and FRUwill be displayed.Using the HMMUse the HMM as a back-up to PEW and eSupport to view the complete list ofFRUs at the MT Model level. CMVs are custom models and are not found in theHMM.Important service informationIntroduction 3