Deploy the most secure wirelessultraportable tablets in the industrywith a bi-directional IntegratedFingerprint Reader, the EmbeddedSecurity Subsystem 2.0 andbuilt-in Wi-Fi wireless. They offerbuilt-in hardware and preloadedsoftware-based protection. No othermanufacturer offers stronger securityas a standard feature.Support your mobile workforce withThinkPad X41 Tablets and ThinkVantageAccess Connections software. It’s theeasiest way to switch between wired andwireless networks.Improve signal reception with theThinkVantage UltraConnect Antenna.To maximise range, this antenna is builtinto the display of ThinkPad X41 Tablets.Plus, it supports multiple frequencies tooptimise coverage5.Brace yourself. Like airbag technology,the ThinkVantage Active ProtectionSystem features built-in motion sensors.When a fall is detected, the hard diskdrive temporarily parks itself. Thatmakes it less likely that data on your harddisk drive will be lost because of somebumps or drops.Put online6 and on-system informationat your employees’ fingertips with theBlue button. With the push of a button,staff can gain answers to common ITquestions by themselves.Type more comfortably and efficientlywith the full-size7 keyboard – a bigadvantage on an ultraportable.Give your help desk a break. MeetThinkVantage Rescue and Recoverysoftware. It’s preloaded on ThinkPadX41 Tablets. With this enhanced, one-button solution, staff can restore systemimages themselves in the event of asoftware crash – often without a call tothe help desk.ThinkPad recommendsMicrosoft® Windows® XPTablet PC Edition 2005.ThinkPad X41 Tablet shown withoptional ThinkPad X4 DockTHINKVANTAGE TECHNOLOGIES AND DESIGNS.THE ULTIMATE SECURITY AT YOUR FINGERTIPS.'The increased focus on system security forregulatory purposes leads us to predict thattoday’s PC password standards will no longer beaccepted in 2008,' according to the November2004 Gartner Research Note, 'Treat Passwordsas Ineffective on PCs.' The report goes on torecommend that organisations requiring strongdata protection should consider, among otherthings, trusted platform module (TPM) – enabledsystems and, for systems subject to Sarbanes-Oxley controls, tokens or biometrics.Rely on award-winning Serviceand Support. Choose a ThinkPadX41 Tablet. With just a few clicks,workers can enjoy a wealth ofon-system and online6 resources.Plus, they’ll have support in morethan 160 countries8 worldwide,from São Tomé to Sri Lanka.SERVICE IN SÃO TOMÉ? SURE.2