Lava iris 355303GPRS SettingGPRS settingInput Proxy name, Access point of GPRS, User name, Password, and select Auth.type, SIM card;Advanced settings: Homepage, Connection type, Use proxy, Proxy address, Proxyport, Proxy user name, Proxy password, Primary DNS, Secondary DNS, IP Address,Subnet mask, For example:Advanced settings Data accountHomepage Account name Aircel wapConnection type HTTPUse Proxy Yes APN aircelwapProxy address port 8080 Username NULLProxy user name NULLProxy Password NULL Password NULLPrimary DNS NULLSecondary DNS NULL Auth. type NormalIP Address NULLSubnet mask NULL SIM selection SIM1 or SIM2MMS settingFirstly, The first three steps are similar to the GPRS settings. For example:Advanced settings Data accountHomepage Account name AircelmmsConnection type HTTPUse Proxy Yes APN aircelmmsProxy address port 8080 Username NULLProxy user name NULLProxy Password NULL Password NULLPrimary DNS NULLSecondary DNS NULL Auth. type NormalIP Address NULLSubnet mask NULL SIM selection SIM1 or SIM2