Laurell TechnologiesOperations Manual WS-650-Lite SeriesRevision Date: 7/26/2011All information contained in this manual is the property of Laurell Technologies Corporation® and is NOT to be edited, reproduced ordistributed without express written permission from a corporate officer.189. Secure electrical cords and cables where they cannot be tripped over orotherwise accidentally pulled from their connectors.10. Be sure that all personnel know the location of the main circuit breaker in case ofan electrical emergency.11. Locate fire extinguishers near the equipment. The extinguishers must beapproved for electrical or chemical fires in accordance with OSHA and local,state, and federal codes.12. Operating personnel must NOT remove covers or panels. Only qualifiedmaintenance personnel may make component replacements and internaladjustments only.13. Do not replace components with the power cable connected. Under certainconditions dangerous voltages may exist, even when the power cable isremoved. To avoid injuries, always disconnect power; lock out the circuitbreaker and discharge circuits before performing a task.14. Do not attempt internal service or adjustment unless a person capable ofrendering first aid is present. Be sure to follow your company’s safetyprocedures.15. Because of the danger of introducing additional hazards, do not install substituteparts or make any unauthorized modification to the system.16. Contact Laurell Field Service for service and repair to ensure that safety featuresare maintained.17. Maintain adequate safety precautions when handling toxic chemicals. Avoidbreathing dust or spray mist. Use chemicals only with adequate ventilation andkeep containers closed when they are not in use. Store chemicals in a lockedcabinet where they cannot be removed accidentally.1.6 ENVIRONMENTAL1.6.1 MATERIALS SAFETY DATA SHEETSBefore introducing any new chemical, consult the factory specifications. The chemicalmanufacturer or supplier provides MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) for eachchemical. The MSDS gives vital chemical safety information on the hazardouscomponents, the chemical’s physical properties, spill and leak procedures, wastedisposal information, and personal protective equipment required to handle thechemicals involved. Follow the information on the MSDS when handling, refillingchemical containers or cleaning up spilled or leaked materials. Before using solvents,read and understand the safety instructions provided by the supplier on the containerlabels and MSDS.NOTE: Laurell Technologies Corporation recommends that copies of the MSDSbe kept with this manual and be made available to your employees. There areseveral websites dedicated to providing chemical information. For reference,Laurell has listed the following: