espresso coffee machines12lsc 024 - rev. 00 - Ed. 11/2014Dream - Dream T4.2 WATER MAINS INSTALLATION SCHEMEcarry out connections according to the picture and take into ac-count what follows:• Hoses must not be kicked, squashed nor twisted;• Fasten finaly, but without exerting too much pressure, the hoseconnectors 3.Legend:1 Water tap (prear-ranged by the cus-tomer);2 Water softener (op-tional);3 Flexible pipes resist-ing high pressure(provided with themachine).132 Fig. 5Attention!The equipment is supplied without water in the boiler so asto prevent the boiler from being badly damaged, should theequipment be exposed to temperatures lower than “0”.Attention!THE InsTallaTIon oF THE WaTEr soFTEnEr Is rEcom-mEnDED In orDEr For THE macHInE To lasT longEr.Install the water softener according to the instructions and regulations provided by its manufacturer.The water softener needs to be placed in an easily accessible place in order to allow the performance of the regeneration when dueand generally close to the water siphon.Attention!If the water softener is not used it is recommended to apply a filter on the water inlet pipe in order to prevent impurities fromdamaging the motor pump or the machine.