EN5ELECTRICALREQUIREMENTSBefore you insert the plug into the wallsocket make sure that the voltage andthe frequency shown on the ratingplate inside the appliance correspondsto your electricity supply.Rating label is on the left hand side offridge inner liner.We recommend that this appliance beconnected to the mains supply via asuitable switched and fused socket.The appliance must be positioned sothat the plug is accessible.Should the mains lead of the appliancebecome damaged or should it needreplacing at any time, it must bereplaced by a special purpose mademains lead which can only be obtainedfrom a LAMONA Authorised ServiceAgent.WARNING! THIS APPLIANCEMUST BE EARTHEDIf the fitted moulded plug is notsuitable for your socket, then the plugshould be cut off and an appropriateplug fitted. Destroy the old plug whichis cut off as a plug with bared cordcould cause a shock hazard if insertedinto a socket elsewhere in the house.The moulded plug on this applianceincorporates a 13 A fuse. Shouldthe fuse need to be replaced anASTABEAB approved BS 1362 fuseof the same rating must be used. Donot forget to refit the fuse cover. In theevent of losing the fuse cover the plugmust not be used until a replacementfuse cover has been fitted.IMPORTANT! FITTING ADIFFERENT PLUGAs the colours of the wires in themains lead of this appliance maynot correspond with the colouredmarkings identifying the terminals inyour plug proceed as follows: (Seediagram).1. Connect the green-yellow or green(Earth) wire to the terminal in the plugmarked ‘E’ or with the symbol orcoloured green and yellow or green.2. Connect the blue (Neutral) wire tothe terminal in the plug marked ‘N’ orcoloured black.3. Connect the brown (Live) wire tothe terminal in the plug marked ‘L’ orcoloured red.With alternative plugs a 13 A fuse mustbe fitted either in the plug or adaptoror in the main fuse box. If in doubtcontact a qualified electrician.FITTED WITHBS 1362 13A FUSE ALWAYSFIT BS 1362 REPLACEMENTCARTRIDGE FUSEGREEN &YELLOWORGREENNBLUEORBLACKLBROWNORRED22mm.6mm.6mm.6mm. 32mm.12mm.FUSECORD GRIP