Laipac Technology Inc.20 Mural Street, Unit 5, Richmond Hill Ontario L4B 1K3 CanadaTel: 905-762-1228 | Fax: 905-763-1737 | E-mail: |http://www.laipac.com72.2 Requested by the set-up process• PC running Windows O.S. and IE8/9 which being supported by Adobe FlashPlayer 9.0 or above• An activated micro SIM card with the requested GSM/GPRS service plan• Micro USB charging/programming Cable2.3 SIM Card and its installationTo use LOLA, user should have a valid Micro SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card(3V) which could be got from GSM Mobile phone carrier or his Location BasedService provider.2.3.1 What is a valid Micro SIM card?(1) First of all, this SIM card should be with Data Plan. Also it should already besuccessfully activated by the relative GSM Mobile phone carrier. To communicatewith remote location based service platform through GSM/GPRS network, thefollowing setting parameters should be coming with the SIM cardGPRS APN: The Access Point Name is used by your SIM card to connect to theGPRS network. The Access Point is the carrier’s server throughwhich the traffic becomes converted from GSM to GPRS Internettraffic.GPRS APN User Name: The user name authorizes your SIM card to access your carrier’sAccess Point. It could be blank in most of case.GPRS APN Password: The password authenticates your SIM card to access your carrier’sAccess Point. It could be blank in most of case.(2) If user wants to use LOLA to send SMS alert message or make SOS phone call,this SIM card should be with correspondent Voice and SMS service plan and havebeen activated.(3) Some users may try the SIM card being used on his Smart Phone, which beingwith DATA plan, on his LOLA. In certain case, this SIM card has been boundingto his Smart Phone so that it could not be used on LOLA.(4) For user is using service platform and in Canada or USA, hecan select to use Laipac’s SIM card.