Rheos Boiler and Water Heater Page 152.3.4 Vertical Combustion Air TerminalWhen combustion air is taken from the roof, afield-supplied rain cap or an elbow arrangement mustbe used to prevent entry of rain water (see Figure 2).The opening on the end of the terminal must be at least12" (30cm) above the point at which it penetrates theroof, and high enough above the roof line to preventblockage from snow. When the vent terminates on theroof, the combustion air must terminate at least 12"(30cm) below the vent terminal.2.4 Common Vent Test — BoilersNOTE: This section does not describe a method for commonventing Rheos units. It describes what must be done when a unit isremoved from a common vent system. Rheos units require specialvent systems and fan for common vent. Contact the factory if youhave questions about common venting Rheos units.When an existing boiler is removed from acommon venting system, the common venting systemis likely to be too large for proper venting of theappliances remaining connected to it.At the time of removal of an existing boiler, thefollowing steps shall be followed with each applianceremaining connected to the common venting systemplaced in operation, while the other appliancesremaining connected to the common venting systemare not in operation.1. Seal any unused openings in the common ventingsystem.2. Visually inspect the venting system for propersize and horizontal pitch and determine there isno blockage or restriction, leakage, corrosion andother deficiencies which could cause an unsafecondition.3. Insofar as it is practical, close all building doorsand windows and all doors between the space inwhich the appliances remaining connected to thecommon venting system are located and otherspaces of the building. Turn on clothes dryersand any appliance not connected to the commonventing system. Turn on any exhaust fans, suchas range hoods and bathroom exhausts, so theywill operate at maximum speed. Do not operate asummer exhaust fan. Close fireplace dampers.4. Place in operation the appliance beinginspected. Follow the lighting instructions.Adjust thermostat so appliance will operatecontinuously.5. Test for spillage at the draft hood relief openingafter 5 minutes of main burner operation. Usethe flame of a match or candle, or smoke from acigarette, cigar or pipe.6. After it has been determined that each applianceremaining connected to the common ventingsystem properly vents when tested as outlinedabove, return doors, windows, exhaust fans,fireplace dampers and any other gas burningappliance to their previous conditions of use.7. Any improper operation of the common ventingsystem should be corrected so that the installationconforms to the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSIZ223.1/NFPA 54 and/or CSA B149.1, InstallationCodes. When resizing any portion of the commonventing system, the common venting systemshould be resized to approach the minimum sizeas determined using the appropriate tables in PartII of the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1NFPA 54 and/or CSA B149.1, Installation Codes.SECTION 3.Gas Supply and Piping3.1 Gas Supply and PipingGas piping should be supported by suitablehangers or floor stands, not the appliance.Review the following instructions beforeproceeding with the installation.1. Verify that the appliance is fitted for the propertype of gas by checking the rating plate. LaarsHeating Systems appliances are normally equippedto operate at elevations up to 2000 feet (610m).However, the appliance will function properlywithout the use of high altitude modification atelevations up to 10,000 feet (3050 m).2. The maximum inlet gas pressure must not exceed13" W.C. (3.2kPa). The minimum inlet naturalgas pressure is 4" W.C. (1.0kPa) and minimuminlet propane gas pressure is 6" (1.5kPa).3. Refer to Table 7, size supply.Hard Water Normal Water Soft WaterModel Flow H/L Temp Flow H/L Temp Flow H/L Temp Flow H/L Temp Flow H/L Temp Flow H/L Temp(Size) gpm feet Rise (°F) lpm m Rise (°C) gpm feet Rise (°F) lpm m Rise (°C) gpm feet Rise (°F) lpm m Rise (°C)1200 119 20 18 449 6.1 10 93 12 23 351 3.7 13 65 6.0 32 246 1.8 181600 161 29 17 609 8.8 10 132 20 21 500 6.1 12 89 8.9 31 336 2.7 172000 182 22 19 690 6.7 11 149 15 23 565 4.6 13 100 6.6 35 379 2.0 192400 237 23 18 898 7.0 10 186 14 23 703 4.3 13 129 6.9 32 488 2.1 18Note: Soft Water: 1 to 7.5 grains per gallon Note: Headloss is for heater’s heat exchanger only.Normal Water: 7.6 to 17 grains per gallonHard Water: More than 17 grains per gallonTable 9. Water Flow Requirements, RHCV (Water Heater).