LAARS Heating SystemsPage 20NeoTherm's efficiency is higher with lowerreturn water temperatures. Therefore, to get the mostof low return temperature with multiple boilers, pipe asshown in Figures 17-19.NeoTherm NTH models can be ordered with orwithout a pump included.NeoTherm with a pump MUST be piped in aprimary-secondary fashion (using either piping or ahydraulic separator) such that the pump that is mountedon the boiler ONLY serves the boiler.When the pump is supplied by Laars, theNeoTherm boiler must be located within 15 feet (4.6m)of the supply and return header (or the hydraulicseparator). Pumps supplied by Laars are sized for amaximum of 30 feet (9.1m) of piping and the headlossof the boiler only (see Table 7).If longer pipe lengths are required, the pumpshould be sized for the boiler per Table 7 and for thepiping it will serve, and should be supplied to jobseparately. Even with pumps supplied by others, Laarsstrongly recommends primary-secondary piping.6A.2 NTH Cold Water Make-Up1. Connect the cold water supply to the inletconnection of an automatic fill valve.2. Install a suitable back flow preventer between theautomatic fill valve and the cold water supply.3. Install shut off valves where required.The boiler piping system of a hot water heatingboiler connected to heating coils located in air handlingappliances where they may be exposed to refrigeratedair circulation must be equipped with flow controlvalves or other automatic means to prevent gravitycirculation of the boiler water during the cooling cycle.A boiler installed above radiation level, or asrequired by the authority having jurisdiction, must beprovided with a low water cutoff device either as a partof the boiler or at the time of boiler installation.NTH PIPE SIZE, NTV PIPE SIZE,SIZE INCHES SIZE INCHES80 1 – n/a105 1 – n/a150 1 150 1¼210 1¼ 199 1¼285 1¼ 285 2399 1¼ 399 2500 1½ 500 2600 1½ 600 n/a750 2 750 n/a850 2 850 n/aTable 9. Water Connection Pipe Sizes.SECTION 6A.Water Connections - NTH BoilerSection 6 is divided into two parts. The first isfor NTH models and is Section 6A. The secondis for NTV models and is Section 6B. Refer tothe proper section for instructions in installingand piping your product. Refer to Table 9 forpipe sizes required.6A.1 NTH System Piping:Hot Supply ConnectionsNOTE: This appliance must be installed in a closedpressure system with a minimum of 12 psi (82.7kPa)static pressure at the boiler.Hot water piping should be supported by suitablehangers or floor stands. Do not support piping with thisappliance. Due to expansion and contraction of copperpipe, consideration should be given to the type ofhangers used. Rigid hangers may transmit noise throughthe system resulting from the piping sliding in thehangers. It is recommended that padding be used whenrigid hangers are installed. Maintain 1" (2.5cm)clearance to combustibles for hot water pipes.Pipe the discharge of the relief valve (full size) toa drain or in a manner to prevent injury in the event ofpressure relief. Install an air purger, an air vent, adiaphragm-type expansion tank, and a hydronic flowcheck in the system supply loop. Minimum fill pressuremust be 12psig (82.7kPa). Install shutoff valves whererequired by code.Suggested piping diagrams are shown in Figures15 through 21. These diagrams are meant only as aguide. Components required by local codes must beproperly installed.