LAARS Heating SystemsPage 145. Locate the vent terminal so that it cannotbe blocked by snow. The installer maydetermine that a vent terminal must behigher than the minimum shown in codes,depending upon local conditions.6. Locate the terminal so the vent exhaust doesnot settle on building surfaces or other nearbyobjects. Vent products may damage surfaces orobjects.7. If the boiler or water heater uses ductedcombustion air from an intake terminal locatedon the same wall, see Figures 10 and 11 forproper spacing and orientation.If the vent termination is located in an area exposedto high winds, an optional PVC tee (the samediameter as the vent pipe) may be used. The tee’dvent termination offers greater protection from windrelated operating issues.3.3.2 Side Wall Combustion Air TerminalThe LAARS side wall combustion air terminalmust be used when the heater takes air from a sidewall. (See Table 3.) Contact Laars for AL29-4Ctermination fittings. Consider the following wheninstalling the terminal. (See Figures 10 and 11).1. Do not locate the air inlet terminal near asource of corrosive chemical fumes (e.g.,cleaning fluid, chlorine compounds, etc.).2. Locate the terminal so that it will not be subjectto damage by accident or vandalism. It must beat least 7 feet ( 2.1 m) above a public walkway.3. Locate the combustion air terminal so that itcannot be blocked by snow. The National FuelGas Code requires that it be at least 12 inches(30 cm) above grade, but the installer maydetermine it should be higher, depending uponlocal conditions.4. If the NeoTherm LC is side-wall vented to thesame wall, locate the vent terminal at least 1foot (0.3 m) above the combustion air terminal.5. Multiple vent kits should be installed such thatthe horizontal distance between outlet groupand inlet group is 36” (90 cm). (See Figure10.)6. The vent outlet must be at least 12” above thetop of the air inlet, and must be at least 36” (90cm) horizontally from the air inlet. (See Figure10.)Fig. 11 - Minimum Venting DistanceIMPORTANT: All terminals must be placed so that they remain at least12” above the expected snow line. Local codes may have more specificrequirements, and must be consulted. Refer to the NFPA54 National FuelGas Code and your local codes for all required clearances for venting.Fig. 10 - Multiple Side-Wall Terminals, Air andVent