LAARS HEATING SYSTEMSPage 8(b) Vent TerminationA listed vent terminal designed for the type ofpipe being used must complete the vertical run whereit exits the chimney. The vent pipe must extend atleast 3' (.9m) above the highest point where it passedthrough the roof. In addition, the vent cap must be atleast 2' (.6m) higher than any portion of a buildingwithin a horizontal distance of 10' (3m). Clearance toany combustible materials must be maintained aslisted (see Figure 6).1H-2. Horizontal Venting - Category IIIWhen venting is horizontal, or cannot meet therequirements of Category I, it can develop positivepressure and must be installed in accordance with thissection and the specific vent manufacturer’sinstructions.For best results, horizontal vent systems shouldbe as short and straight as possible. Material of ventconnectors shall be as follows:WALL ORPARAPETCHIMNEYCHIMNEYRIDGEWALL ORPARAPETCHIMNEYCHIMNEYRIDGE10 (3.0) ORLESSFigure 6. Vertical Vent Termination.2 (0.6) MIN. 3 (0.9)MIN.10 (3.0)OR LESS2 (0.6)MIN. 3 (0.9)MIN. 3 (0.9)MIN.3 (0.9)MIN.2 (0.6)MIN.10 (3.0)MORE THAN 10(3.0)MORE THAN 10(3.0)NOTE: NO HEIGHTABOVE PARAPETREQUIRED WHENFROM WALLS ORPARAPET IS MORETHAN 10 FT. (3.0m)TERMINATION10 FT. (3.0m)OR LESS FROM RIDGE,WALL OR PARAPET(a) Vent ConnectionsThe vent system must be gas tight. All seams andjoints must be sealed with silicone sealant or adhesivetape having a minimum temperature rating of 400°F(204ºC) (see Table 9 for a list of approved sealingmaterials). Use at least three corrosion resistant screwsat each slip joint, when required.Description Manufacturer ProductHigh TemperatureRTV Dow Corning Trade mate2" (51mm) wideAluminum foil tape- adhesively backedVenture Product #32432" (51mm) wideAluminum foil tape- adhesively backed3M Product #433Table 9. Vent Sealing Materials.Materials Vent LengthIn U.S.A.: UL type 304, 316 Up to a maximum of 55' (17m)or 294-C stainless steel, of equivalent pipe run26 gauge minimum. (including required elbows).In Canada: Use “BH” venttype complying with ULCS-636 Standard.For each elbow eliminated, add 5' (1.5m) of allowable vent.Table 10. Horizontal Venting Configuration.The boiler vent collar must be fastened to thevent pipe of the same diameter, with rustproof metalscrews no longer than 1/2" (13mm) and sealed withhigh temperature (500ºF / 260ºC) silicone sealant. Forlarger diameter vent pipes, use a sealed reducerfastened directly to the boiler collar and seal all jointsas indicated in Figure 7. Allow the sealant to cure for24 hours before operating the boiler.The entire vent system must not exceed the sizespecified in Table 10.The following criteria must be observed:1. Attach a vertical pipe at least 12" (305mm) highto the boiler outlet before the horizontal run ifrun exceeds 5 feet (see Figure 7).2. Support the vent run at 3' (.9m) intervals withoverhead hangers.Dimensions in feet (m).eziS retemaiD fo.oNswoblEhtgneLnuRlatnoziroH.nimm .tfm061-05 4201 4 537.01522 4201 2 010.3522 6251 4 537.01