LAARS Heating SystemsPage 10be wired into the boiler control circuit to prevent theboiler from firing unless the blower is operating.The boiler must be completely isolated andprotected from any source of corrosive chemicalfumes such as those emitted by trichloroethylene,perchloroethylene, chlorine, etc.3B. VentingVent Categories: Mini-Therm JVS is a natural draftappliance for Category I venting only. JVH is afan-assisted product that can be vented vertically in aproperly-designed Category I system, or can be ventedhorizontally as a Category III appliance, per thisinstallation manual.WARNINGThis boiler must be vented in accordance withPart 7, Venting of Equipment, of the latest editionof the National Fuel Gas code, ANSI Z223.1 andall applicable local building codes. In Canada,follow CAN/CGA B149 Installation codes.Improper venting of this appliance can result inexcessive levels of carbon monoxide which canresult in severe personal injury or death!AVERTISSEMENTCette chaudière doit être ventilé, conformémentaux dispositions de la partie 7, de la ventilation del'équipement, de la dernière édition du Nationalgaz carburant code, ANSI Z223.1 et tous lescodes du bâtiment locaux. Au Canada, CAN/CGA B149 codes d'installation. Une mauvaiseventilation de cet appareil peut entraîner desniveaux excessifs de monoxyde de carbone quipeut entraîner de graves blessures ou la mort!The boiler vent collar must be fastened directly toan unobstructed vent pipe with rustproof sheet metalscrews no longer than 1/2” (13mm) and located toprevent interference with the inducer damper.Do not weld the vent pipe to the boiler collar. Theweight of the stack must not rest on the boiler. Theboiler top must be easily removable for normal boilerservice and inspection.IMPORTANTOnly JVH (induced draft) models may be side-wallvented per Section 3D without the addition of aproperly sized and installed power venter.JVS must be connected only using Category TypeI methods and materials per Section 3C. JVH maybe connected per Category I or III (See Section 3D)methods and materials. See fuel gas code for moreinformation regarding your venting application.IMPORTANTSeulement JVH (induits projet) modèles peut êtreparoi ventilé par chapitre 3D sans l'addition de labonne taille et de puissance installée venter. JVSdoivent être connectés uniquement en utilisantType de catégorie I méthodes et matériaux parSection 3C. JVH peut être connecté par catégorieI ou III (voir section 3D) Les méthodes et lesmatériaux. Voir gaz combustible code pour plusd'informations concernant votre applicationd'aération.Avoid terminating boiler vents near air conditioningor air supply fans. The fans can pick up exhaustflue products from the boiler and return them to thebuilding, creating a possible health hazard.Avoid oversized vent pipe or extremely long runsWALL ORPARAPETCHIMNEYCHIMNEYRIDGEWALL ORPARAPETCHIMNEYCHIMNEYRIDGE10 (3.0) ORLESSFigure 4. Vertical Vent Termination.2 (0.6) MIN. 3 (0.9)MIN.10 (3.0)OR LESS2 (0.6)MIN. 3 (0.9)MIN. 3 (0.9)MIN.3 (0.9)MIN.2 (0.6)MIN.10 (3.0)MORE THAN 10(3.0)MORE THAN 10(3.0)NOTE: NO HEIGHTABOVE PARAPETREQUIRED WHENFROM WALLS ORPARAPET IS MORETHAN 10 FT. (3.0m)TERMINATION10 FT. (3.0m)OR LESS FROM RIDGE,WALL OR PARAPETDimensions in feet (m).