LAARS HEATING SYSTEMSPage 184. Do not use this appliance if any part has beenunder water. Immediately call a qualified servicetechnician to inspect the appliance and to replacethe heater.4.5.1 Lighting Instructions1. STOP! Read the safety information (1 through 4)above.2. Turn off all electric power to the appliance.3. Remove control access panel.4. Set the thermostat or aquastat to lowest setting.5. This appliance is equipped with an ignitiondevice which automatically lights the burner. Donot try to light the burner by hand.6. Turn off manual gas valve. Valve is off whenvalve handle is at right angle to the gas pipe. Oncombination valves (size 500 and 715) turn gascontrol knob clockwise to OFF position (seeFigure 19).7. Wait five (5) minutes to clear out any gas. Thensmell for gas, including near the floor. If yousmell gas, STOP! Follow the safety informationtitled “Before Operating”. If you don't smell gas,go to next step.8. Turn gas control knob counterclockwiseto ON.9. Set thermostat or aquastat to desired setting.10. Replace control access panel.11. Turn on all electric power to the appliance.12. If the appliance will not operate, follow theinstructions “To Turn Off Gas To Appliance”and call your service technician or gas supplier.4.5.2 To Turn Off Gas to Appliance1. Turn off all electric power to the appliance ifservice is to be performed.2. Remove control access panel.3. Set the thermostat or aquastat to lowest setting.4. Turn the gas control knob clockwise to OFF.Do not force.5. Replace control access panel.4.6 Setting the Temperature Controls4.6.1 Hydronic BoilersTo set the temperature and high-limit controls:1. Set the temperature controller at the systemdesign temperature.2. For boilers with the temperature controller bulbat the boiler inlet, set the high-limit 40°F to 50°Fabove temperature controller setting.3. For boilers with the temperature controller bulbat the boiler outlet, set the high-limit 15°F to25°F above temperature controller setting.4.6.2 Water HeatersThe hi-limit switch is factory set and should notbe adjusted.WARNINGAdjusting the temperature control past therecommended setting can result in a scaldinginjury. Hot water can produce third degreeburns in 6 seconds at 140°F (60°C) and in 30seconds at 130°F (54°C).Water temperature can be adjusted at thetemperature control. The temperature control isadjusted to its lowest setting when it is shipped fromthe factory. The 130°F (54°C) setting is therecommended starting point for setting thetemperature control. Make sure that the hi-limit switchis set 30°F (17°C) higher than the temperature control.The recommended setting will result insatisfactory energy savings. Lowering the temperaturemay result in reduced energy costs. Connecting theheater to a separate storage vessel and lowering thetemperature setting, may reduce energy losses duringstandby periods when hot water is not being used, andmay meet normal hot water needs. For increased hotwater usage, a higher temperature setting may benecessary to meet increased demand. Reset thetemperature setting to a lower level after periods ofincreased usage are over.SECTION 5.MaintenanceCautionLabel all wires prior to disconnection whenservicing controls. Wiring errors can causeimproper and dangerous operation.5.1 General Instructions1. Oil the water circulating pump in accordancewith the manufacturer's instructions.2. Oil the combustion air blower motor bearingsevery 6 months.