Mascot LX Boilers and Water HeatersPage 9Table 4. Vent / Air Pipe SizesINTAKE AND EXHAUST LENGTHMAX EQUIV. MAX EQUIV. CONCENTRIC MAX EQUIV.SIZE VENT FT. M VENT FT. M VENT FT. M50 2" 40 6.1 *3"* 150 30.5 3/5" 40 6.175 2" 40 6.1 *3"* 150 30.5 3/5" 40 6.1100 2" 40 6.1 *3"* 150 30.5 3/5" 40 6.1125 2" 40 6.1 *3"* 150 30.5 3/5" 40 6.1150 2" 40 6.1 *3"* 150 30.5 3/5" 40 6.1175 2" 40 6.1 *3"* 150 30.5 3/5" 40 6.1220 2" 30 4.6 *3"* 120 24.4 3/5" 40 6.1INTAKE / EXHAUSTMax Equivalent Vent and Air Pipe Length (each)STANDARD 2-PIPE STANDARD 2-PIPE OPTIONAL CONCENTRICSIZES DIA. FT. m DIA. FT. m DIA. FT. m50 - 175 2" 40 12.2 *3"* 150 45.7 3/5" 40 12.2220 2” 30 9.1 *3”* 120 36.6 3/5” 40 12.2Installations in the U.S. require exhaust vent pipe that is a combination of PVC & CPVC complying withANSI/ASTM D1785 F441 or stainless steel complying with UL1738. Polypropylene installations requireexhaust vent pipe that is certified to ULC S636.Intake (air) pipe may be any material that complies with ANSI/ASTM D1785 F441, ABS that complies withANSI/ASTM D1527 or galvanized material.Installer must comply fully with manufacturer's installation instructions, to maintain ANSI Z21.13 safetycertification.Closet and alcove installations do not allow the use of PVC under any circumstancesTo calculate max equivalent length, measure the linear feet of the pipe, and add 5 feet (1.5m) for eachelbow used.* Must use 2x3 adapter within 1 ft. (30cm) of boiler.Size BoilerVolts Phase AmpsMLX 50 120 Single 1.5MLX 75 120 Single 1.5MLX 100 120 Single 1.5MLX 125 120 Single 1.5MLX 150 120 Single 1.5MLX 175 120 Single 2.2MLX 220 120 Single 2.2* Minimum 15A circuit required* Must use 2x3 adapter within 1 ft. (30cm) of boiler.Reference the Installation and Operation Manual for more details.SECTION 3.Venting and Combustion AirLaars Mascot LX includes a standard CPVC vent/combustion air adapter. If field connections require use ofPVC/CPVC vent materials, the installer must use properadhesive to join CPVC and/or PVC pipe and fittings.3.1 Combustion AirMascot LX boilers and water heaters must haveprovisions for combustion and ventilation air inaccordance with the applicable requirements forCombustion Air Supply and Ventilation in the NationalFuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223 1; or in Canada, the NaturalGas and Propane Installation Code, CSA B149.1. Allapplicable provisions of local building codes must also beadhered to.A Mascot LX unit can take combustion air from thespace in which it is installed, or the combustion aircan be ducted directly to the unit. Ventilation air mustbe provided in either case.3.1.1 Combustion Air from RoomIn the United States, the most common requirementsspecify that the space shall communicate with theoutdoors in accordance with method 1 or 2, which follow.Where ducts are used, they shall be of the same cross-sectional area as the free area of the openings to whichthey connect.Method 1: Two permanent openings, one commencingwithin 12" (300mm) of the top and one commencingwithin 12" (300mm) of the bottom, of the enclosureshall be provided. The openings shall communicatedirectly, or by ducts, with the outdoors or spacesthat freely communicate with the outdoors. Whendirectly communicating with the outdoors, or whencommunicating to the outdoors through vertical ducts,each opening shall have a minimum free area of 1square inch per 4000 Btu/hr (550 square mm/kW) oftotal input rating of all equipment in the enclosure.When communicating to the outdoors throughhorizontal ducts, each opening shall have a minimumfree area of not less than 1 square inch per 2000 Btu/hr (1100 square mm/kW) of total input rating of allequipment in the enclosure.Method 2: One permanent opening, commencingwithin 12" (300mm) of the top of the enclosure, shallbe permitted. The opening shall directly communicatewith the outdoors or shall communicate through avertical or horizontal duct to the outdoors or spacesthat directly communicate with the outdoors and shall