EN2714. Tips and TroubleshootingWhat is the ideal shot time?Shot time varies with all roastsand brew temperatures usedto brew espresso. Most likely,a minimum shot time is 18seconds and a maximumis somewhere in the 30 to35 second range. the idealbrew time for your coffeedepends the coffee roast anddose size. It is a relationshipof bean solids and oils plustamping pressure and brewwater temperature. Most ofall, personal taste preferenceshould control shot time.After brewing, re-engagethe portafilter in the group.Temperature stability at theportafilter will result in moreconsistent pour times. Theportafilter mounting area isa source of heat which canbenefit the brewing processwhen used to keep theportafilter at temperature.Clean groups and portafiltersdaily.Clean espresso contactsurfaces (screens and inserts)will result in better flavoredcoffee.Limit rinsing from thegrouphead to one secondor less. Excessively rinsingthe portafilter reduces theamount of hot water availablefor brewing. An infusion ofcold water into the brewingvessel may temporarily lowerwater temperature below thedesired level. Since rinsing isusually undertaken as a way toclean the portafilter, considerwiping the portafilter instead.If you must rinse, do so withas little water as possible.Watch the espresso youare brewing. Althoughmaking espresso is partlya mechanical process, theoutcome is determined byorganic factors like the coffee,the weather, the water, andyour ability to balance these.Defining and adhering to aset of fixed parameters likebrew time and shot size helpsto ensure a beautiful shot.However, ultimately the lookand taste of the espressois the final arbiter of ashot’sacceptability. You mustdetermine when everything isjust right.