20ENWATER FILTER(not provided)MOTORPuMPnot provided8. De-commissioning and demolitionFig. 3 (see also pag. 7)Start by setting the main switch (part 1) tothe "0" position.Disconnecting from the power outletIn case the machine is connected throughthe plug (part 24), make sure that theswitch (part 23) is also in the Off posi-tion before disconnecting. Disconnect themotor pump (part 15) by pulling out itsspecial plug (part 25).Disconnecting from the water systemShut off the water supply by closing thespecific tap located upstream of the puri-fier inlet. Disconnect the water pipe at thepurifier (part 17) inlet, which is locatedjust downstream of the special tap (part18), which has been closed in advance.Proceed to remove the drain well piping(part 19).At this point, the machine may beremoved from the bar, being very carefulnot to drop it.The machine is made out of various mate-rials and therefore, if you do not intend toput it back in service, it must be taken to aspecial disposal company which will selectthe materials which can be recycled anddiscard the others.Current regulations make it illegal to dis-card such machine by leaving it on publicgrounds or on any private property.Recycling notice:Warning for the protection of theenvironment.Old electrical equipment is made ofvaluable materials, it is not normaldomestic waste! We kindly ask that ourclients to contribute to the protection ofthe environment and natural resources bydelivering this equipment to the relevantrecycling centers, if they such centers areavailable in their country.not provided