48 Installation Guide - "Château" Range G408NOTINSTALG4/EN-1Handling instructions HANDLING INSTRUCTIONSSee the drawings on the specific presentation pages for each model for details about theconnections.When your cooker or your hob is built-in between two kitchen units, the shut-off valvemust be accessible through an appropriate cut-out in the back of the kitchen unit.It is forbidden to use flexible rubber hoses with a collar fastening to supply gas to gasappliances.When all of the work has been carried out on your gas supply network, perform afunctional test before connecting the appliance; this will ensure that no metallic burrs canenter the appliance’s gas supply pipe and thus obstruct the burners or the gas taps.Also, perform mechanical resistance and sealing tests in accordance with the applicablestandards.The following instructions are to be followed by qualified personnel, trained tohandle extremely heavy loads. Usually, a single-oven cooker can be lifted by twopeople, a double-oven cooker is best handled by at least four people.Complete cooker1. In order to lighten the cooker, remove and set aside the drawers, the drip-trays, thebacksplash, the handrail, the oven accessories, the pan supports, the solid top andany other accessories.2. Remove oven doors by engaging the latches on the hinges and by pulling the door backand up.1. H ANDLING INSTRUCTIONSHANDLING AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS