41WARRANTY WARRANTYNotice d’installation ligne “Cornuchef” Centenaire - GB08NOTINSTGSC100/GB-4Following receipt of full payment for ourgoods, our appliances are guaranteed threeyears from the invoice date against anystructural faults and any material defects. Thewarranty excludes improper use of theappliance or a non-compliant installation.Intervention and travel costs will be billed inthis event.If our goods were to dysfunction, the buyerthen has to contact us once he has ensuredthat it is not due to a non-compliantinstallation or abnormal use in order to decidewith us how the appliance should berepaired. The appliance should be cleanedand clean prior to any intervention.Any complaints with regard to the state, thepresentation or the non-compliance of ourgoods should be addressed to ourheadquarters by recommended letter withacknowledgement of receipt within amaximum of eight days following delivery.The application of the warranty will besubject to LA CORNUE SAS receiving acertificate stating that the material has beeninstalled by a professional in accordance withthe current technical and safety standards.Under this warranty, the seller shall replace atno cost the parts recognized as faulty by itstechnical department. This warranty covers alllabour costs with the exception of travelexpenses.The warranty period specified above shall notbe extended if faulty parts need to bereplaced.WE TAKE GREAT CARE IN THE CREATIONOF OUR ENAMELLED ITEMS. However, ahand-crafted enamel surface is nevercompletely even and slight variations in shademay occur. This is a guarantee of quality andis linked to the nature of our three-layerenamelling process.This warranty shall cease to apply:l If the operational defect is the result of anunauthorized intervention on the appliance;l If the faulty operation is due to normalwear and tear of the appliance or fromnegligence or insufficient maintenance by thebuyer;l If the faulty operation is due to forcemajeure.LA CORNUE SAS shall not be held legallyresponsible in these three cases.The seller’s guarantee and his responsibilityfor products shall be limited to repairs to anydefects as stipulated in the above conditions.As expressly agreed between the contractingparties, the seller’s responsibility in the eventof an operational fault shall be limited to theabove provisions, especially with regard toconcealed defects as well as material andimmaterial damage.In all cases, the buyer may not suspendpayment if he lodges a complaint aboutthe quality of the goods.The goods are always transported at thebuyer’s or his representative’s own risks. It istherefore their responsibility to check themupon arrival and, if necessary, to lodge acomplaint with the haulier. After havingexpressed specific established reservations onthe delivery slip upon receipt, the buyer mustconfirm them by recommended letter to thehaulier within two days of receipt (Article 105of the Commercial Code).We cannot in any event honour this warrantyif these requirements are not met.WARRANTY (3 YEARS)After-Sales Department:- Covered by the warranty:tel: +33 (0)1 34 48 36 15 fax: +33 (0)1 34 48 52 31- Not covered by the warranty (appliance older than three years):tel: +33 (0)1 47 37 56 00 fax: +33 (0)1 47 39 10 49