INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR “CHÂTEAU” RANGE - G408NOTINSTALG4/EN - 3791342Ventilated oven - Forced heat - Fan-assistedThis function controls the fan and the heating element around it. Uniform heat issupplied throughout the oven, which allows fast cooking of large quantities offood.Cooking with the "Forced Convection" function is particularly useful for cooking food on several grills atthe same time and is an excellent "multi-task" function. You may perhaps have to reduce the temperatureby approximately 10°C for dishes normally used to cook in a conventional oven.This function saves the most energy.2.4 ELECTRIC OVEN GRILL FUNCTIONTo switch on your grill in the electric oven:- switch on your oven by turning the function selector (A) on the grill to the left. The ovenlight will remain on if the oven door is open;- turn the simmerstat (C) to the desired power and the indicator light (E) will come on.Your oven is equipped with an electric grill controlled separately from the heatingelement on the oven floor. The grill element has 2 power circuits:- outer 1175 W maximum,- inner and outer 2350 W maximum.To heat the outer grill circuit, turn the simmerstat clockwise.To light both the internal and external circuits, turn the knob to the right to “max”until you hear the click of the contact switch that will light the second circuit.In this position both circuits will reach maximum power (2350 W). By turningback to the right you can then reduce the power of the dual circuit.Note: it is impossible to switch on the inner circuit only.After preheating (between five and ten minutes), set the cooking power in line with the food to be grilled.You can then place your food in the oven.2.5 THE OVEN DISHESThere are several different trays in your oven:1. A large, enamelled-coated “drip” tray: this tray is reservedfor the various cooking modes. It must be used at the bottomfor cooking except when cooking at low temperature.2. The "shelf" tray acts as a support for all trays which are usedin this oven.3. The large roasting dish in porcelain (one dish per stove)