CLEANSING BOOSTMODEModel nameBBL1Galvanic Ion BoosterCleansing Mode(CLEANSING)How to useUse unit once per dayUse water-solubleproducts such asmoisturizing gela bCLEANSING BOOSTMODEcCLEANSING BOOSTMODEd eb acdeAccording to the Voice Assistancefunction, cleanse each area of theface in the order in the direction ofan arrow.a Left cheek (30 seconds)b Right cheek (30 seconds)c Nose (45 seconds)d Chin (30 seconds)e Forehead (45 seconds)fRinse your facesufficiently with tepidwater after cleansing.Remove makeup andwash the face.Apply moisturizing gel. Press the 1 (Power)button to turn on product.Press the MODEbutton and select theCLEANSING Mode.AbsorptionPromotion Mode(BOOST)How to useUse unit once per dayUse previouslyused cosmetics orcosmetics for yourskin typea bCLEANSING BOOSTMODEcCLEANSING BOOSTMODEd eApply to desired area for3 minutes moving in the directionof pictured arrows.Remove makeup andwash the face.Apply cosmetics (eg,Vitamin C Serum).Press the 1 (Power)button to turn on.Press the MODE buttonand select the BOOST(absorption promotion)Mode.1905_Rev01MBM67016511