KeyRF – PC Remote ControlL3 Systems 11 5/19/2007Disabling Combo ButtonsYou can get extra remote actions from your transmitter bypressing two keys down simultaneously. This is especiallyuseful for the four-button model. However, some people don’twant this feature, and it can be disabled by changing the 3rddigit of the configuration string to a “D”.Disable two-button combo keys: 2SDNRODisable two-button combo keys: 4SDNROTwo-Button Extra Button OperationYou can get two extra remote actions on your two-buttontransmitter by programming the “X” and “Y” buffers. Theseactions are triggered by pressing and holding down onebutton, and then pressing the other button. When youprogram these buttons, the 5th digit of the configuration stringis automatically changed to an “E” enabling this feature.Since this changes the way the remote operates, you maywant to disable this feature by setting the 5th digit of theconfiguration string to an “R”.Disable Left‡Right & Right‡Left Operation: 2SANROEnabling Four-Button Transmitter Shift KeyThe 4th button on a four-button transmitter can be a shift key.This allows you to get extra programmed actions withouthaving to press two keys at once. You press and release theshift key (button 4) and then press another button to completethe action. It’s recommended that the “Combo Keys” featurebe disabled when using the shift key feature. To enable thisfeature, change the 4th digit of the configuration string to “Y”,and disable combo keys by making the 3rd digit a “D”.Enable Shift key operation: 4SDYRONote that to access the action assigned to button 4, you haveto press the button twice. Seven button actions are accessiblein this mode: 1, 2, 3, 4 then 4, 4 then 1, 4 then 2 and 4 then3.